Wednesday 29 June 2016

MelaCEP Plus+™ Ultimate Serum

MelaCEP Plus+™ Ultimate Serum

30 ml packaging:
With our exclusive MelaCEP Plus+™ Luminous Complex, this serum diminishes the appearance of hyperpigmentation, improves the appearance of skin discoloration and leaves skin looking more even-toned. Your skin will appear translucent, luminous and flawless.
  • Delivers brightening benefits immediately and over time.
  • Helps skin regain and maintain clarity.
  • Significantly improves the look of skin brightness, texture and dark spots.
whatapps/sms/call me at 0168782417


Tuesday 28 June 2016

10 Lipstick Rules to Live By

10 Lipstick Rules to Live By

Follow these tips to keep your lip game top-notch.

By Hallie Gould

1. Treat your lips like you would your face. Remove makeup, exfoliate, moisturize. Repeat.

2. When playing up your lips, keep your eye makeup minimal. Makeup is like a balancing act, pick one feature and go big.

3. Find the right color. Not all hues are created equally, at least for you. Different skin tones work better with different shades, so try a bunch on and choose wisely — a good lipstick is a forever kind of thing.

4. Use a primer. Think super staying power through your meetings, lunch, and happy hour drinks.

5. Liner can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Find the right lip liner and it'll stop your lipstick from feathering throughout the day. Choose the wrong color, and you're channeling Gwen Stefani circa 1997. Our advice? Go for a clear lip pencil — it's silky smooth and compliments every lip shade.

6. Start in the middle. Begin applying lipstick at the center of your lips and move outward. That way, you'll be less shaky when it comes to the outer lines of your lips. Less shaky will result in fewer mistakes.

7. Highlight along your Cupid's bow. As well as along the middle of your lower lip. The small touch will reflect light and make your lips look nice and plump.

8. Timing is everything. If you're having casual drinks or dinner with your friends before a big night out, wait to put on your lipstick. You won't constantly be worrying about messing it up while you eat (which is the worst).

9. Take it off before you go to sleep. The only bad thing about having a clean, white pillowcase? It is a total lipstick magnet.

10. Always give yourself a day off. Let your lips stay au natural for at least one day a week and so you can slough off dead skin cells, moisturize, and have one glorious morning to sip coffee sans lipstick stains.

adaptation from

Thursday 4 September 2014

8 tips for a clearer complexion

8 tips for a clearer complexion

Since primary school my friends always complement my clear skin, well, its not that i never had breakout or pimples here and there somewhere at my forehead, cheek and chin. I DO!!!

So what did I do to prevent all the breakouts and manage to keep my clear complexion?
I learn from the best, my mom... She always cook the best meal, balance diet and some more tips i learn during growing ups...
8 tips for a clearer complexion

 Yes, more sleep it is. Even a friend of mine who is a beautician sleeps for 8 hours daily- She have a very clean and clear skin...
But does it count sleeping late and sleeping up to noon? NO!!!! You should sleep at the normal sleeping hours between 9pm to 5am, that what she did. Since I don't want to miss some TV program in the evening i give myself an allowance to start to sleep at 10pm to 6am. .. I found out that my sleeping pattern were the same then when in school until now. So I guess the sleeping pattern also make the different.

Every time I change my sleeping pattern due to some party late nights or activities - I'll get a zit or two somewhere on my face.

Have you recently started using a new foundation or brand of blush? What about your facial wash? Is it new? How about your hair? Are you spraying copious amounts of hair spray on it? All of these things can contribute to a sudden increase in blemishes, so be weary when you try new products, and only introduce one new item at a time so you can pinpoint if anything in particular is giving you problems.


No matter how oily your skin is please moisturize.

I hate to break it to you, but anything that tastes good (think: refined carbs, fried foods, and chocolate) can cause you to break out. Don’t believe me? Then read Can Food Cause Acne? by and you’ll see why you need to throw the Ho Hos away and start snacking on celery sticks. Pronto.

I meant it. Never touch your face without a clean hand. Don't poke your pimples and zits and that small white or blackhead at your nose.  Well, its difficult sometimes when your nose itched you opt to scratch a little. Use tissue or clean cloth to do that.
It’s no secret that water is the answer to all of our problems. It helps us lose weight. It boosts our energy. It makes us more regular. It flushes toxins out of our bodies. And it makes our skin look better.
It also makes us pee a lot, which isn’t ideal after natural childbirth, but that’s a post for another time…

I used to think sunbathing was the solution to bad skin because the moment I spent any time in the sun, i seat and i get pinked and  my skin always cleared up.
It was magical.
But then a couple of days would go by, and the excess grease the sun exposure caused inevitably made my skin WORSE.
And yet I never learned… please always put on the sunblock or wear a hat instead!.. always wipe your sweat and dont let it spread the germs down to your face.

Wash, Tone/Freshen and Moisturized....

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Changing my page title

hah....Don't dream your life, live your dream!!!
I found the setting and manage to change my title ...

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Don't dream your life, live your dream!!!

I want to change my blog title from I have no idea  to "Don't dream your life, live your dream" !!!
Anybody could help me, please.... wink...

My Little Angel

Today is August 21, 2014. My little Angel is now 7th Months old.
What? Its been a lapsed from my last blog... eerr.. Well, I'm still a newbies in this blogging world.. Hahaha.
Nevertheless life still goes on.

Let me introduce my Angel - Amarissa

Isn't she sweet.... Muah... But this photo was taken few months back.

I love her so much..

Please click here to visit my Mary Kay page

Thursday 29 November 2012

Monday 29 October 2012

Mary Kay Lipgloss & Creme Lipstick

Picture at right hand side. I love this cosmetic very much from Mary Kay Cosmetic. Here are Mary Kay NouriShine Plustm Lip Gloss in Sparkle Berry and Mary Kay Creme Lipstick in Red.

The lipgloss give me an instant boost of moisture to my lips, smoothed, and conditioned them as well as claimed. Suitable for my working environment in air conditioning room where my lips often cracks if lack of water. Its doesn't irritates my lips like others I used i.e mentholatum, or one I got from faceshop. Mary Kay Lipgloss contain botanical extract, vitamin E and Vitamin C which is good for the lips.

The creme lipstick has a lightweight and creamy texture. Its long wearing stay-true and contain vitamin E and vitamin C. The colour blend naturally to my lip colour. Its leaves my lips smoothed even after I wiped them off. I used Loreal lipstick before but its feathered and look unnatural.

For only RM48 RM 50 (Updated price since 2013) each you can get the lipstick and lipgloss from a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. Contact me if you don't have one.

Check out  my page at: