Friday 7 September 2012

Planning for vacation september 2012

Hmm, its always been quite expensive traveling during school holiday..Well, that was one of my reasons a donkey years ago while was still a student. Now I'm working, and ;making lots of money (supposed just sufficient enough to save and to waste; it's a sin to waste!!! And 10% has been deducted for  tithe and extra for Sunday offerings every months) i should just treat and pamper myself and be generous to my love ones after making that much of money...

My vacation this month is somehow a trip 'Balik Kampung' for the year. I miss my mom, dad and siblings (Mary & Zack). So, I'm arranging a short trip to KK before heading back to my little sweet hometown, Lawas. Thanks to my hubby, I got the chance to plan a this trip.

So, I have been to KK like numerous times but never really enjoy the trip like a proper tourist. My last visit was in December 2011. Went to Pulau Manukan for the first time for snorkeling. Yup, I got this idea from previous trip with my in-laws to Pulau Kapas, Mak Cik Gemuk Resort. Comparison between these two, i prefer Pulau Kapas. The water is much clearer and corals are alive!! Maybe I'll bring my parents and sibling for another snorkeling trip somewhere else. But nevertheless we had great holiday last year and spend quality time together.

Back to my a the list of places which I should go check out.
1. Monsopiad Cultural Village
2. The Upside Down House
3. Rainforest Park
4, Aquarium & Marine Museum
5. etc....i guess to visit new restaurants and cafes.

Well, wish me luck...

At the end I only manage to visit 2. The Upside Down House.. =)

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